



We generate unique experiences with each client, with high-quality projects, qualified teams, and deliver on time.






Develop a portfolio website for an UX designer, based on mockups with a great user experience, assuring excellent visual design and best SEO practices.

Warren Baelen,

VP of technology

Comenzamos nuestra relación con BKDF-Appspring como una simple página de marketing. A medida que nuestras necesidades de front-end crecieron, también lo hizo nuestra relación. Estaban allí para ayudarnos en el camino, guiándonos hacia las buenas decisiones. En cada paso, se desempeñaron mucho más allá, ya sea diseñando una página de marketing, creando una aplicación web con píxeles perfectos o asumiendo una implementación móvil fallida de otro contratista. BKDF-Appspring ha demostrado su valía una y otra vez.


Develop from UI and UX designs that create a seamless and intuitive user experience in a static website using React with  the Next.js framework. All the content of the website is managed through Contentful CMS. The deployment of the website was achieved by using Vercel technology.



Develop a portfolio website for an UX designer, based on mockups with a great user experience, assuring excellent visual design and best SEO practices.


Develop from UI and UX designs that create a seamless and intuitive user experience in a static website using React with  the Next.js framework. All the content of the website is managed through Contentful CMS. The deployment of the website was achieved by using Vercel technology.


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