PWAkit OTP Login

PWAkit OTP Login

Our PWAKit OTP Login Authentication solution is a groundbreaking advancement that redefines how businesses manage user logins. By eliminating the need for traditional passwords, we’re ushering in a new era of secure, frictionless authentication. Say farewell to password-related complexities and say hello to a world where user data is safeguarded through one-time passcodes, creating an environment that not only fortifies security but also simplifies the user experience.


Password-Free Registration: Say farewell to the need for password creation and validation. Simplify account setup for your users.

One-Time Password (OTP): Implement an ironclad OTP system for user authentication, ensuring top-tier security.
Email Validation: Seamlessly send email validation links to users, streamlining account creation.

Configurable OTP Expiry: Tailor OTP validity periods to meet your specific security requirements.

Code Resend: Provide users with the convenience of resending OTP codes during login.

Login OTP

Welcome, everyone! In this video, we’ll delve into the impactful workings of Login OTP, an innovation that will change how customers experience e-commerce. This demo showcases the main features of the plugin and how they elevate the experience to new heights.

Use Cases

E-commerce Platforms:

Ensure customer account security, simplify the login process, and increase conversion rates by eliminating password-related friction in online shopping experiences.

Healthcare Apps:

Safeguard sensitive patient information while complying with healthcare data protection regulations, ultimately enhancing the user experience for both patients and healthcare professionals.

Gaming and Entertainment Platforms:

Enhance user account protection, preventing unauthorized access and securing user accounts, creating a safer and more enjoyable gaming and entertainment experience.

Banking and Finance:

Strengthen the security of financial transactions and sensitive client data, achieving regulatory compliance and instilling trust in your financial services.

Education and E-Learning Platforms:

Protect student and teacher data, ensuring data privacy and simplifying access for education stakeholders, allowing them to focus on learning and teaching.

Travel and Hospitality Apps:

Safeguard personal travel itineraries, passport details, and payment information, instilling user confidence in accessing their travel plans securely.


Enhanced Security: Eliminate password vulnerabilities with OTP, fortifying your application’s defenses. No more concerns about weak passwords or password-related breaches.

User-Friendly: Simplify the registration and login process for your users, reducing friction and frustration. With fewer steps and no password requirements, you’ll see higher user satisfaction.

Configurability: Customize the OTP system to align with your unique needs and preferences. Whether it’s adjusting the OTP expiration time or fine-tuning other settings, you have full control.

Reduced Account Creation Abandonment: Bid farewell to lost customers due to complex password requirements. With a password-free registration process, potential users are more likely to complete the sign-up process.

Pricing Details

Paid Add-On Required

You must pay for a product or service that is external to Salesforce for this solution to work. Discounts are available for nonprofits.


$4.000 USD/company/one-time payment

Git Hub Support

For detailed instructions on getting started with Geolocated pricing, please refer to our Github Readme

Our SFCC Road Map

Appspring’s SFCC Package Roadmap features an array of packages, each designed to address specific e-commerce challenges and enhance customer experiences.

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